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Learn Basic Rabha Language Through English | Rabha to English Translation

 The Rabha is a spoken language of the Rabha community and it falls under the Bodo-group of Assam branch of the Tibeto-Burman languages of the Sino-Tibetan language family. But the language now has lost its original tonal characteristics.

 The Rabha language shows that the other allied tribes such as Bodo, Garo, Tiwa (Lalung), Kokborok, Dimasa kachari, Deuri, Chutiya, etc. are sister languages and Karbi (Mikir), Mishing (Miri), Apatani, Chin, Tai, etc. have some similarities with the Rabha language. The dialects of the Rabha language differ from area to area. Mainly Rangdani, Maitori, and Koch are the primary dialects. Besides them, there are a few other sub-dialects of the Rabhas. In the discussion of the Rabha vocabularies, all these dialects are taken into consideration.

Bishnu Prashad Rabha | Rabha people
Learn Basic Rabha Language

The original sources of the Rabha vocabulary are of two types:

  • Basic words
  • Loan words

Basic words and loan words are further sub-categorized as below –

  • Basic-- Tibeto-Burman Original
  • Loan-- Non-Tibeto-Burman.

Loan words are mainly incorporated into the Rabha language through the Assamese language.

Basic words: The sources of the Basic words are the Sino-Tibetan languages.

I - An

Water – Cika

Bird – To

Cat - Minku

Assamese words loaned in Rabha:

King – Raja

Queen – Rani

Knowledge – Bidya

Temple - Mandir

Rabha Senences/Words Used in Daily Life

The Rabha words we use frequently in daily life are exemplified below.

No. English Rabha
1 Good morning friend Phung nem chiki
2 How are you? Ata khapar nemeta damdana?
3 I am fine Nemeta te gudungbe
4 Are you going anywhere? Nang benga ba rengjo ne?
5 I am not going anywhere Ang jachinniba rengcha
6 Have you taken your meal? Nang may sajo na?
7 Which curry are you cooking? Nang ato mi ruymjo?
8 I am cooking dal/td> Ang dali ruymjo
9 She has not come? O, riba khusa?
10 Where are you going now? Nangtebe bisina rengo?
11 I am going to Guwahati Ang tebe Guwahatina rengo
12 Is the baby crying? Kay sabrare khapeta?
13 The baby is crying Kay sabrane khapeta
14 What is his name? Oni ato mung?
15 His name is Daingli Oni mung Daingli
16 In which village do you live? Nangi nak bekay sangi?
17 My house is in Komorakata village Angi nak komorakata sangi
18 There is no fish in this pond Ekay pakhari na tangisa
19 Will you sing a song? Nang chay chay runga krykana?
20 Do you know the Rabha dialect? Nang Rabha katha manona?
21 I know the Rabha dialect Ang Rabha katha mano
22 All birds are of the same feather Dimdakan ali gosayni may
23 The fortunate earns respect Kopal nangkay kay kayni sanman manna
24 The aged should be venerated Kay chungbatango urgina lagiya
25 Danger hardly befalls the careful. Ki mukhar mankay kay bipadina kicha
26 One who seas is usually the one without shame Jani kumpak tangcha use nemkhakay kami ra
27 Parents words are always significant Babra-jurani katha koba renga tangcha
28 I An
29 My Ani
30 My also Anba
31 Me Ana
32 Myself A nan
33 For me Ani badan
34 You Nan
35 Your Nani
36 Your self Nankakay
37 He/she O
38 Her Isi
39 Him Uo
40 They Oran
41 Their Orani
42 Them Orano
43 Not understand Faman cha
44 Where Bisi
45 Tomorrow Gaphuri
46 Somehow Oganda
47 Poetry Chay
48 Language Khurang
49 Rice May
50 Thank you ?


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